• Human Rights

Basic Policy on Human Rights

This Basic Policy summarizes basic approach of Sansan, Inc. and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as “Sansan Group”) to respect for human rights. Under the mission of “Turning encounters into innovation” and the vision of “Become business infrastructure,” Sansan Group is providing the cloud-based solutions that promote digital transformation and reshape how we work, leading to encounters with people and companies that become business opportunities. Sansan Group considers respect for human rights to be an extremely important element in aiming to develop and expand its business not only in Japan but also globally.

Based on this belief, Sansan Group has established this Basic Policy as a guideline for promoting respect for human rights, and its content has been approved by the Board of Directors of Sansan, Inc.

Sansan Group will contribute to realizing a society in which human rights are respected by anticipating the experiences of all stakeholders with whom it interacts in the course of its corporate activities, and by promoting respect for human rights while deepening its understanding of human rights.

  • Sansan, Inc.
  • Representative Director/CEO: Chika Terada
  1. Compliance with international norms and applicable laws and regulations

    Sansan Group understands that its business activities may have an impact on human rights. It supports and respects international norms related to human rights such as the International Bill of Human Rights (including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and promotes initiatives to respect human rights.

    Sansan Group also complies with applicable human rights laws and regulations in the countries and regions in which it does business. In cases where the laws and regulations of the respective countries and regions do not match internationally recognized human rights, Sansan Group strives to respect internationally recognized human rights to the greatest extent possible.

  2. Scope of application

    This Basic Policy applies to all officers and employees of Sansan Group. In addition, Sansan Group will seek understanding of the purpose and content of this Basic Policy from its business partners and other related parties.

  3. Emphasis on diversity and prohibition of harassment

    Sansan Group respects everyone as an individual and prohibits all forms of discrimination, disadvantageous treatment, and harassment regardless of political beliefs, ideology, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical characteristics, illness, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, or other factors. Sansan Group strives to prevent discrimination, disadvantageous treatment, and harassment by providing regular training to its officers and employees. In addition, it provides fair opportunities in areas such as recruitment, evaluation, training, assignment, salary increase/promotion, and promotion to managerial positions, and promotes the development of a workplace environment in which all highly diverse human resources can play an active role.

  4. Prohibition of forced labor and child labor

    Sansan Group does not tolerate any labor practices that violate human rights, including any form of forced labor, human trafficking, or child labor.

  5. Management of working hours and wages

    Sansan Group complies with all applicable labor-related laws and regulations in the countries and regions in which it does business. It also manages working hours appropriately, prevents overwork, provides appropriate days off, and pays wages appropriately in excess of the minimum wage.

  6. Respect for freedom of association and exercise of collective bargaining rights

    Sansan Group respects the right of individual employees to form labor unions based on their own will and to choose whether or not to participate in such unions, and permits the effective exercise of collective bargaining rights. Sansan Group will engage in negotiations in good faith through constructive dialogue with representatives.

  7. Maintaining the safety and health of employees

    Sansan Group is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment that takes the physical and mental health of its employees into consideration. Sansan Group strives to maintain this environment by complying with laws, regulations, and rules related to health and safety, and by responding appropriately to health risks.

  8. Consideration for freedom of expression and privacy

    Sansan Group respects freedom of expression and privacy in communication viatelecommunications, the Internet, and social media, and takes the utmost care to ensure that there is no infringement of such freedom and privacy.

  9. Information management

    Sansan Group recognizes that the recent development of information technology and increased awareness of privacy has led to a strong demand for the appropriate handling of personal information. Sansan Group takes the utmost care to ensure that personal information and information assets are properly protected and not infringed upon through the Policy on Personal Information Protection, Information Security Policy, and internal rules. Furthermore, it treats all customers fairly and impartially, and provides them with safe and convenient services.

  10. Initiatives and systems for respecting human rights

    Sansan Group has established an internal reporting contacts for consultation regarding human rights issues that may arise within Sansan Group. When a consultation or report is made to the internal reporting contacts, a summary of the report is reported to the Compliance Committee of Sansan, Inc. Appropriate action is taken against violations of laws, regulations, and internal rules, including this Basic Policy, such as correcting the violation, punishing the violator, and introducing measures to prevent recurrence. Sansan Group’s internal rules stipulate that whistleblowers are to be kept confidential and that any disadvantageous treatment of whistleblowers is prohibited.

    Sansan Group also assesses the impact of its business activities on human rights and strives to promote human rights due diligence initiatives so that it can respond appropriately with fair and equitable remedies should a negative impact on human rights arises through these business activities. In the event that a negative impact on human rights should arise through its business activities, Sansan Group will respond appropriately with fair and equitable remedial measures to mitigate or eliminate the negative impact.

  11. Communication

    Sansan Group continuously provides all officers and employees with the education and training necessary to put this Basic Policy into practice. Sansan Group also makes efforts to disseminate this Basic Policy to its stakeholders.

Request to all our business partners

We would like to ask that our business partners disseminate and ensure understanding of the content of this Basic Policy among their officers, employees, and other parties. We also would like to request that the business partners of our business partners also understand this Basic Policy and cooperate in promoting respect for human rights when conducting business or transactions related to Sansan Group.

In the event that any conduct that violates or is suspected of violating this Basic Policy should be recognized in the course of conducting business or transactions related to Sansan Group, please contact Sansan, Inc. immediately.

  • Date of enforcement: August 29, 2023
  • Date of minor revision: October 2, 2023