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  • Notification Regarding Determination of Issuance Terms of Performance Target-linked Stock Acquisition Rights (Stock Options with Charge)
Investor Relations

Notification Regarding Determination of Issuance Terms of Performance Target-linked Stock Acquisition Rights (Stock Options with Charge)

Sansan, Inc. (the “Company”) announces today that the undetermined items regarding Stock Acquisition Rights for its Directors and Executive Officers that were resolved at the Board of Directors Meeting held on July 14, 2020 have been determined as follows.

1. Persons to Whom Stock Acquisition Rights Are to Be Allotted, Number of those Persons, and Number of Stock Acquisition Rights to Be Allotted

The Company’s Directors 6 persons, 184 rights
The Company’s Executive Officers 12 persons, 122 rights

  • Note: At the time of this document’s disclosure, changes had been made to one director and one executive officer appointment, but the description is based on the details at the time of the allotment of Stock Acquisition Rights.

2. Total Number of Stock Acquisition Rights

306 rights

3. Class and Number of Shares to Be Acquired upon Exercise of Stock Acquisition Rights

30,600 common shares

(For Reference)
Date of Resolution of the Board of Directors Meeting in Connection with the Issuance of the Stock Acquisition Rights: July 14, 2020