Sansan, Inc. (“the Company”) announces that a settlement has been reached with regard to the injunction lawsuit filed against Hammock Corporation (hereinafter “Hammock”) in the Tokyo District Court on October 28, 2019, for unfair competitive acts. The details of the settlement, which was reached on October 21, 2022, are as follows.
The Company provides the Sansan sales DX solution. Going beyond the business card management function, this service is equipped with a range of functions to support sales operations, including client management, message delivery, and connectivity to various business tools. However, as it had been determined that Hammock’s comparative advertising and sales activities for its Hot Profile business card management tool had been expressed in a manner that evoked associations with the Company’s Sansan service, and also misrepresented the functions and characteristics of the Company’s services, the Company had judged Hammock to be in violation of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act and had therefore decided to file this lawsuit. As a claim for compensation for the damages incurred by the Company from July 2019, when the comparative advertising, etc. was started, to the time of the lawsuit, the Company had filed an unfair competition injunction lawsuit seeking payment of ¥33,220,000 with the Tokyo District Court on October 28, 2019. On April 30, 2020, Hammock had filed a counter lawsuit seeking damages, etc., claiming that some of the Company’s actions fell under illegal acts relating to Hammock’s Hot Profile service.
With regard to these lawsuits, the Company had asserted its legitimacy through the court proceedings. However, following a settlement recommendation from the Court, and from the viewpoint of an early resolution of both lawsuits, both sides decided to reach a settlement.
(1) Name Hammock Corporation
(2) Address 3F Lucid Square Shinjuku East, 1-3-21 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
(3) Representative Daisuke Wakayama
As the settlement agreement contains a confidentiality clause, the Company will be refraining from disclosing any details. The impact of this case on the Company’s consolidated earnings will be minimal.