Diversity, Equity and


We promote diversity, equity and inclusion through the leadership of the DEI & Wellness Group, a specialized department within the Human Resources Division, under the direction of CHRO. We have developed and operated a work environment and internal systems that enable all employees to take on challenges equitably. Additionally, in 2024, we began efforts to enhance understanding and awareness of minority people, collaborating with external experts and the Learning & Development Group, responsible for human resource development.


Our group places high importance on respecting diversity as a foundation for continuously creating value and enhancing our corporate value. Our basic policy is to provide equitable opportunities to take on challenges, regardless of gender, age, life stage, nationality, culture, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We also prioritize creating a safe and assuring work environment, offering tailored support based on individual attributes.

Risk Management

To manage our progress in diversity, equity and inclusion, we have established four monitoring indicators as follows. We are committed to achieving our targets and continuously making efforts to improve on any unachieved ones.

  • Ratio of female employees among all employees
  • Ratio of female employees in management position among all employees in management position
  • Ratio of non-Japanese employees among all employees
  • Ratio of employees with disabilities among all employees

Indicators and Targets

Supporting Women’s Careers

With more than one-third of our group’s employees being female, we believe that empowering female employees to take on more active roles is essential for sustainably creating value and enhancing corporate value. As a result of our ongoing support for women’s careers, the ratio of female employees was 36.4%, while the ratio of female employees in management positions reached 18.1% as of May 31, 2024.

(1) Calculated for regular employees and contract employees of the Company and all its foreign subsidiaries (excluding domestic subsidiaries).

Supporting Non-Japanese Employees’ Careers

We have established Sansan Global Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) and Sansan Global (Thailand) Co., Ltd. as bases for our overseas expansion, along with Sansan Global Development Center, Inc. (Philippines) as a development base. We recognize that successful overseas expansion requires not only global human resources with diverse backgrounds but also local talent from the target region. As of May 31, 2024, the ratio of non-Japanese employees was 6.2%.

Ratio of non-Japanese employees(2)

(2) Calculated for regular employees and contract employees of the Company and all its foreign subsidiaries (excluding domestic subsidiaries).

Promoting Employment of People with Disabilities

We are committed to creating and expanding opportunities for people with disabilities to work and thrive with us, in accordance with the Act to Facilitate the Employment of Persons with Disabilities. These employees are involved in digitizing business documents and processing images, handling the process to generate digital information, which underpins our business. In recent years, they have expanded their roles in Bill One, an invoice management service, and Contract One, a contract database, in addition to Sansan, a sales DX solution, being essential to our growth.

(3) Calculated for regular employees, contract employees and part-timers of the Company.

Major Initiatives

Supporting Women’s Careers

We support women in maintaining productivity by addressing anxiety, challenges, and mental and physical health issues unique to them. Specifically, we subsidize low-dose birth control pills to alleviate symptoms of menstruation and PMS that can lead to unwellness and decreased performance. We have also established a consultation desk with doctors. This approach not only supports women’s careers but also enhances organizational productivity by reducing labor loss. Furthermore, we provide support to help employees balance careers and life events—including childbirth, childcare, and nursing care—for both female and male employees.

Key measures to support balancing life events and careers
  • Subsidies to support balancing childcare and careers
    • Additional fees for using non-accredited nursery schools and costs for nursery school search concierge services
    • Costs for child vaccinations, extended hours or temporary childcare services, and sick-child daycare services
    • Costs for after-school care, babysitters, and childcare services
    • Costs for housekeeping services
  • Flexible ways to work for balancing childcare and career
    • Maternity and childcare leave
    • Adjustment of attendance records for pregnant employees due to maternity healthcare needs, along with consideration of their work responsibilities
    • Systems for shortened working hours and early start and end times
    • Paid leave in hourly units
    • Hybrid work combining on-site attendance and remote work (from home)
    • Optional flexible working hours for childcare (conditional)
    • Child nursing care leave
  • Creation of a supportive culture for balancing childcare and career
    • Distribution of a guidebook for maternity and childcare leave
    • One-on-one sessions for employees returning from childcare leave
    • Online meetings among employees returning from childcare leave around the same time
    • Socialization in a community of employees raising children (a Slack channel and events)
    • Announcement of information about male and female employees taking childcare leave to the entire company
    • Consultation desk for balancing work and childcare
    • Breast-feeding room at the Head Office
  • Support for balancing nursing care and career
    • Nursing care leave
    • Shortened working hours for nursing care
    • Optional flexible working hours for nursing care (conditional)
    • Consultation desk for balancing work and nursing care
    • Access to external counseling and consultation services for our employees and their families
    • Provision of information about public support services and related resources

Supporting Non-Japanese Employees’ Careers

To support the careers of our non-Japanese employees, we believe it is essential to enhance the awareness of our Japanese employees, who make up the majority of our group. Therefore, we subsidize costs for lessons with instructors, test fees, etc. covering English and Japanese through our language learning support system, OCEAN, to facilitate smooth communication. In addition, we aim to foster cultural integration by preparing materials written in both Japanese and English, conducting joint training sessions, and cross-cultural communication activities to deepen our understanding of each other. By maximizing the organizational performance across the language and cultural barriers, we will enhance our international competitiveness.

Key measures to support the careers of non-Japanese employees
  • Employment of non-Japanese nationals in Japan
  • Establishment of overseas branches and development bases, with local employment
  • Internal materials and announcements available in both Japanese and English
  • Simultaneous interpretation for all-employee meetings in Japanese and English
  • Support from Global HR and bilingual employees
  • Joint onboarding training sessions with Japanese employees (with simultaneous interpretation)
  • Activities for cross-cultural communication communities
  • Subsidies for Japanese or English language lessons
  • Prayer room at the head office in Japan

Promoting Employment of People with Disabilities

We recognize that promoting employment of people with disabilities requires balancing two factors. One is maintaining an environment and support system that enables them to work with peace of mind. The other is assigning them tasks that contribute to the growth of our business. After completing initial training sessions upon joining, these employees primarily work from home, mainly involved in digitization tasks, which are vital to maintaining service quality across our business. We believe that this work is fulfilling for them.

Key measures to promote the employment of people with disabilities
  • Support for settlement tailored to individual characteristics by dedicated personnel
  • An environment that facilitates continued employment, allowing them to work from home after completing initial training sessions


In 2024, we began offering paid leave for births, marriages, and family bereavements, as well as goodwill payments for same-sex partnerships and unregistered marriages. This initiative aims to enhance an environment where everyone can work with peace of mind, respecting diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. By deepening our understanding of individual differences, we believe this will contribute to the Company’s sustainable growth by enhancing organizational capabilities, promoting innovation through fostering collaborative culture, and attracting and retaining excellent talent.

Key measures
  • Company-wide introduction of e-Learning training on unconscious biases
  • Regular workshops on unconscious biases
  • Introduction of diverse career paths of our employees
  • Paid leave for births, marriages, and family bereavements, as well as goodwill payments for unregistered marriages and same-sex partnerships
  • Consultation desk for gender-related issues
  • Internal study sessions on gender-related issues