Occupational Health, Safety and Well-Being

Basic Concept

We believe that people are one of the most vital forms of management capital for sustainable business growth and the creation of new value, with the health of each employee serving as a crucial foundation. Under this belief, we are committed to developing an environment where all employees can continue to demonstrate their abilities and performance with peace of mind, while maintaining good mental and physical health. To this happen, we comply with laws and regulations, implement measures to prevent health hazards, and introduce and operate various measures to maintain and promote health and well-being.

Promotional Structure

We established the DEI & Wellness Group as a dedicated section in June 2023. Under the direction of the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), we collaborate with industrial physicians, relevant departments, and our health insurance society to implement various measures and endeavors aimed at promoting healthy work styles and maintaining and improving performance. Having established the Health and Safety Committee in compliance with laws and regulations, we are implementing basic measures to prevent health hazards and making improvements. Working with our health insurance society, we support the health of employees and their families through actions such as providing health information, various health checkups for disease prevention, and opportunities for exercise.

Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives

As a foundational approach to occupational health management, we comprehensively address work environment management, work management, health management, and occupational health education.

Health and safety system In accordance with the Industrial Safety and Health Act , the Health and Safety Committee meets once a month at each office with 50 or more workers. Workers and management exchange opinions and discuss workplace health and safety issues in an effort to prevent occupational accidents.
Work environment management To properly establish a comfortable and safe working environment in the workplace, we conduct workplace patrols to assess conditions and implement improvements. We also focus on improving the physical office environment, including features such as large monitors to improve productivity, spacious work areas, and designated space for employees to facilitate communications. Additionally, each office includes a rest area where employees can take a break if they suddenly become unwell during working hours. Furthermore, we have implemented emergency measures, including automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and disaster preparedness drills.
Work management We are working to reduce the risk of health hazards that arise from overwork. Measures include daily work and attendance management, automatic alerts on the attendance system, and interview guidance when cases of long working hours occur.
Health management In addition to conducting interviews with industrial physicians, health checkups, and stress checks in compliance with laws and regulations, our full-time occupational health staff, including nurses and mental health professionals, provide employee consultation services and work on early detection, prevention of health hazards, employment support, and other assistance. We have also established a support system in which HR and workplace supervisors collaborate to assist employees who need work-related considerations for health reasons.
Occupational health education We conduct awareness-raising activities through the provision of various workplace health and safety information, training, the company intranet, and other channels, with the aim of increasing employee awareness of occupational safety and health, and well-being.

Initiatives to Maintain and Promote Health

Measures for Mental Health

Name of measure Details and expected effects
Health consultation point of contact We have set up the Sansan Infirmary as a health consultation point of contact for any anxieties or problems about mental and physical health, staffed by dedicated industrial physicians, nurses, and mental health professionals. We have created a system where employees can easily seek consultation at any time.
Support for employees taking personal illness leave and returning to work Employees on leave and returning to work, workplaces, HR, and industrial physicians work in collaboration to strengthen our system that supports smooth workplace return and subsequent success, based on our return-to-work support program.
External consultation point of contact An external EAP service is in place to provide anonymous consultation.
Training and e-learning Mental health training is provided for new employees and those in management positions. Additionally, we support the improvement of employees’ health literacy regarding mental health and productivity through the creation and distribution of a video program to enhance mental performance, supervised by psychiatrists and industrial physicians.
Stress checks Annual stress checks are conducted, along with efforts to improve participation rates. Following the stress checks, employees who request assistance or those showing high stress levels are offered opportunities for consultations and counseling with industrial physicians to prevent mental health issues. Stress check results are aggregated by department and fed back to each organizational unit accompanied by usage guidelines, enabling workplace environment improvements based on the findings.

Measures for Physical Health

Name of measure Details and expected effects
Health examinations In addition to statutory health checkups, we cover certain checkup items included in comprehensive physical examinations to aid in the early detection and treatment of illnesses. We also encourage the use of an app provided by our health insurance society to help employees maintain and improve their health.
Follow-up after health examinations To support early detection and treatment of illnesses, certain consultation hours are considered working hours.
Cancer control We support cancer screenings by subsidizing the costs of the relevant items recommended by the workplace, which are checked during periodic health examinations.
Seminars and events We disseminate health-related information on a monthly basis. Additionally, regular opportunities are provided to promote awareness and consciousness about health and well-being through health measurement events, eye examinations, dental check-ups, and various seminars.
Infection control measures Subsidies are provided for influenza vaccination costs. Additionally, as part of risk management, disinfectants and emergency masks are installed in the office, and information on infectious diseases is provided by occupational health staff.
Exercise support We value initiatives in which employees can enjoy participating together. These include exercise events within an app affiliated with the health insurance society (points are awarded linked to the number of steps taken), and the promotion and joint planning of club activities.
Diet support We make healthy meals easily accessible by offering discounted, dietitian-supervised frozen lunch deliveries. Additionally, healthy meals and snacks, as well as samples for trial, are provided in the office.
Health management for employees assigned overseas We offer government-recommended vaccinations for employees assigned overseas at the company’s expense. They are also provided with annual periodic health examinations upon return to Japan, as well as online consultations tailored to local conditions.

Measures for Women's Health

Name of measure Details and expected effects
Subsidy for online pill prescription For employees experiencing menstrual symptoms and pain, this measure aims to alleviate these issues and improve their performance at work.
Obstetrics and gynecology consultation point of contact We have established a system where women can easily consult with obstetricians and gynecologists about their specific health issues.
Women's health seminars To improve health literacy, we hold seminars and disseminate information from industrial physicians who have experience as obstetricians and gynecologists.
Subsidy for gynecological examination We subsidize the costs of uterine cancer and breast cancer screenings at annual periodic health examinations.